The exit from Streetnet of certain member organizations, and the negative impulses that comefrom other affiliated organizations regarding the way of governing in Streetnet, has led NASVI (INDIA), UPTA(SPAIN) and SIVARA (ARGENTINA) to constitute a new organization representingself-employed workers, inside and outside the informal economy.
This new organization, called Self Workers Global, has statutes of professional association, not of NGO. Statutes approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Spain, in accordance withinternational legislation on professional associations.
Our main objective is to claim rights in social protection for self-employed workers, support thecreation of new self-employment sites, homogenize the rights and duties of self-employedworkers around the world, and denounce the attacks suffered by our affiliates by the differentgovernments.
Our strength is based on transparency and participation. SWG will give voice to each and every one of its member organizations, without vetoes, without interventionism.We want SWG to have a trade union character as well as a representation, claim and defensecharacter.